- To expand our understanding of what the core is and what it truly does
- Help you create a better awareness of & connection with your core muscle
- To shed light on the risks of having an untrained or improperly trained core
- Teach you how to integrate your new core connection into dynamic movements and everyday life
- Help you become proficient at a handful of foundational exercises
What is the “core” - All biomechanical soft tissue below the head and above the legs. AKA the muscles and fascia of the trunk.
Inner or Deep Core;
- Function - Stability for movement, posture, breathing, supports organs
- Muscles - Transverse Abdominis, Diaphragm, Pelvic Floor, Multifidus
Outer Core:
- Function - Transfer force, resist force, dynamic postural control, movement, protection
- Muscles - Rectus abdominis, internal & external oblique, latissimus dorsi, erector spinae, trapezius
Other functions of the core:
- House and protect your organs
- Breathing and aiding in circulation
“You can’t shoot a canon out of a canoe”
- The core first and foremost stabilizes the body for proper movement and position. Without this ability to stabilize, the body will either protect itself by overriding action and make the body weaker. Otherwise the body is at risk of dysfunction and injury when creating or resisting force.
- Many common movement issues are core based issues. Such as - poor posture, declined ability to balance, decreased mobility, weekness in compound movements, even fatigue (improper breathing & movement ineffiencies)
- Pain & dysfunction in stabilizers cause weakening of the core as system via neurological override.
- Poor joint mobility, pain & dysfunction will all create compensations or faulty movement patterns in the core as the body attempts to work around the problem.
- The abdominals (rectus abdominus) primary function is to resist extension
So why is to so important to train the core via dynamic, full-body & functional movements instead of isolated exercises and machines?
- Isolated exercises such as crunches and twists promote poor posture, muscular imbalances, and increased strain on joints
- Seated machines builds outer core muscles without the stabilization from deep core and without integration into movement patterns. As a result we see muscle imbalances and increased risk of injury.
So what should we do?
- Create a stable foundation by training your deep core first and learning how to activate it
- Become proficient at Fundamental Functional Capacities © and other foundational movements
- Integrate core strengthening through dynamic movement & compound exercises
- Create balance and strength in your outer core by focusing on your backside and hinge patterns
- Maintain good joint mobility and avoid isolated / seated machine exercises
Core Tests & Exercises
- Standing Postural Activation
- Diaphragmatic Breathing
- Quadraped TVA Activation
- Bird-Dogs
- Pelvic Floor Activation (Waiting for the restroom, 1 & 2)
- In-Line Half-Kneeling Test (Balance Beam)
- Super-Plank
- Deadbugs
- Anti-Rotation Press
- Bottoms Up March or “Server” March
- 3-Point Good-Morning
- Kettlebell Deadlift
- Unilateral & Anti-Rotational Exercises
Bodyweight Foundations
Fundamental Functional Capacities
- Crawl
- Walk
- Run
- Land
- Jump
- Fall
- Get up
- Climb (Ascend)
- Posture
- Lift
- Carry
Bodyweight Movements & concepts that every human should strive to master:
- Marching
- Skipping (short or plyo)
- Forefoot run (sprint start and jogging)
- Jump Land
- Broad Jumps
- Box Jumps
- Plank (basic & active)
- Side Plank
- Push-ups
- Lunges (front and back)
- Hip Hinge (PVC good mornings)
- Air Squats
- Body weight Rows
- Pull-up
- V-ups
- Plyo twist (“Karaoke”)
- Crawl