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Where did all this self-doubt come from? I thought to myself. What if I just started telling myself I can do it? What if I actually can do it?  We ...

We live in a busy world where not everybody has the luxury of blocking out a whole hour in their day for exercise. Days can seem to just evaporate when you have to work, travel, prepare meals, get enough sleep, and maybe take care of a few cute kids. Many might ask, is it worth my time to squeeze in a 5-minute workout now and then throughout the week? 

The answer is - Absolutely, Yes! Let’s explore why and how.

If you usually spend your workouts huffing and puffing in silence, switch on some tunes next time and see how it benefits your performance. Spotify is full of playlists with specific beats per minute (BPM) and can help sync your movements to the beat of a song. A high BPM means a faster tempo and a more intense workout, hopefully! 
There will be days where you feel great and can push yourself a little more, and there will be days where you feel tired and don't want to do anything that remotely feels hard. I used to joke that every workout I’ve ever done, I didn't want to do, but I’m always happy when I’m finished. Keep that appointment with yourself, even if you are sore and are going to stick with stretching and recovery that day. Create the habit of taking care of yourself.
Every body part is important in its own way. The hamstrings are no exception. You might know what the hamstrings are because they are notorious for being tight. While a classic hamstring stretch might be in your routine already, there’s a lot more to be known about your hamstrings.  So let’s talk about how to make your hamstring strong, flexible and resilient. 

Being strong is an incredible feeling, but it will feel even better as the years go by and you know you have your strength and vitality to keep you disease free and thriving. Have fun finding what strength training suits you and your lifestyle best and make a habit of it. Who knows, you might even enjoy yourself! 

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